The Greenfield
in Ornsirin 2 Riverview Village, Sansai, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Land Size : 389 Sq.wah
Property includes
Two-story house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 study rooms
A kitchen and a living room with foyer
Full Furniture and Appliances
Maid's room with bathroom
Garage for 2 cars
Total Living Area: 191.67 Sq.meter
Featured Facts
• Spacious land area of 389 square wah (1,556 sq.meter) in a well-maintained housing estate / gated community is considered rare.
• The nearest house is 20 meters away while in most housing estates, houses are much closer to each other (<3m). Privacy is priceless.
• Small number of 55 households make this community one of the most quiet and peaceful estates.
• Convenience store (7-11), pharmacy, school, and bistros are within walking distance.
• Being the first property on the right from the project entrance.
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